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Tall Ship Sailing Travel Insurance Quote

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Tall Ship Sailing Travel Insurance

JS Travel Insurance provides comprehensive Travel Insurance for Tall Ship Sailing (within Territorial limits), including Medical and Repatriation, Search and Rescue Cover and more.  We can cover you as a Passenger or Crew Member, both inside or outside territorial waters. When getting Travel Insurance (Tall Ship Sailing), you can also select one or more of…

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JS Travel Insurance provides comprehensive Travel Insurance for Tall Ship Sailing (within Territorial limits), including Medical and Repatriation, Search and Rescue Cover and more. 

We can cover you as a Passenger or Crew Member, both inside or outside territorial waters.

When getting Travel Insurance (Tall Ship Sailing), you can also select one or more of the following: 

  • Tall Ship Sailing (Outside of Territorial Limits) 
  • Tall Ship Racing 

To contact us by telephone or email, 0800 043 0020 / 01273 092 757 support@jsinsurance.co.uk

Summary of Cover (per person)

Section & Cover Silver Gold Platinum
Emergency Medical and Repatriation* £5,000,000 £5,000,000 £5,000,000
Search and Rescue* £25,000 £50,000 £50,000
Cancellation or Curtailment* - £3,000 £7,500
Personal Baggage* £500 £2,500 £3,500
Activity Equipment £1,500 £1,500 £1,500
Valuables* £250 £250 £500
Loss of Passport* - £300 £500
Travel Delay - £300 £1,000
Trip Abandonment* - £3,000 £7,500
Missed Departure / Connection - £500 £500
Legal Expenses* - £25,000 £50,000

*Excess payable does vary depending on the claim benefit.

Please read the Policy Wording for the complete list of Benefits.

Healix Insurance Services Ltd, on behalf of Hamilton Insurance DAC, arranges this Travel Insurance policy for Jade Stanley Ltd. Healix Insurance Ltd is registered in England and Wales under No. 5484190 and authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under No. 437248. Hamilton Insurance DAC is registered in Ireland No. 484148, approved by the Central Bank of Ireland, and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority in connection with their UK branch. Jade Stanley Ltd is registered in England and Wales under No. 03570857 and authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under No. 306205.

Tall Ship Sailing Travel Insurance FAQs

1. How am I covered if I am ill or injured on board the Tall Ship and need medical attention? 

If you need medical emergency attention, our policies cover up to £5m for Medical and Repatriation. 

Our policies also include Search and Rescue if it is medically necessary.

2. Will I be covered if I get sick before my Tall Ship holiday and can no longer travel? 

Yes, our policies (JS Gold and JS Platinum) include cancellation cover if you fall sick, get injured or get a positive COVID-19 test before travelling.

3. If I get seasick and need to cut short my trip, am I covered? 

You will be covered for Curtailment if you have to cut short your trip due to seasickness or any illness on board.

4. If my Tall Ship Sailing trip is cancelled due to adverse weather conditions, am I covered by this policy?

Unfortunately, our policies are not set up for this type of eventuality. You should speak to your Tall Ship Sailing organizer about this, as they may have a money-back guarantee.

If this happens whilst you are on the trip, you should also see if they offer a lack of sailing compensation. 

5. Does ordinary Sailing Travel Insurance cover me when I am crewing on a Tall Ship?  

Crewing a Sailing Boat and crewing a Tall Ship requires different sailing skills, including the vessel's size and the type of sails. 

You must have a policy that shows Tall Ship Sailing as an activity.

6. How do I know if I need a Tall Ship Sailing inside or outside of 12 nautical miles? 

You can ask your Tall Ship Sailing holiday provider or read your itinerary; most providers refer to this as Inshore or Offshore Sailing. 

Inshore Sailing: 12 Nautical miles | 13.8 miles | 22.2 kilometres from shore

Offshore Sailing: Outside of the 12 Nautical miles

It's always good to know this information before booking your Tall Ship Travel Insurance to ensure you have the correct activity covered. 

7. Can I get cover for Tall Ship Racing? 

If you plan on Tall Ship Racing and going offshore, then you need to select the following when getting a quote: 

  • Tall Ship Racing
  • Tall Ship Sailing (outside territorial limits)

9. What is the age limit on this policy?

We can cover tall ship sailing on this policy for up to 65 years of age.

Our provider, Adventures, can cover up to 75 years of age.

10. Can I still get cover for Tall Ship Sailing if I have a pre-existing medical condition? 

We can cover Tall ship sailing within European waters, including your pre-existing medical conditions, be that Diabetes, Asthma, High Blood Pressure and more.

On the quote page, you need to select Hazardous Activity Pack C.


Additional Questions

What are the dangers of crewing a Tall Ship Sailing boat? 

There are four main dangers when crewing a Tall Ship Ship Sailing boat, some obvious and others not.

Going overboard: the obvious one, any sailing boat, it is dangerous to be swept overboard in rough sea conditions, but more so on a tall ship sailing boat as the vessels are usually high, meaning a significant drop to the ocean and the vessel deck offer more open space with more opportunity to go overboard.

It's essential to wear a life jacket and be aware of your footing; make sure no loose equipment is lying around.

Being hit by spars and sails: Accidents can be fatal if you do not handle the spars and sails correctly; these are weighty elements of the tall ship. 

Make sure you listen in your training, ask for the skipper's advice, and be aware of your surroundings. 

Falling from the Rigging: All tall ships include a complex system of ropes and wires to support sails and masts for the boat's direction.

When climbing the rigs, can be hazardous, especially in strong winds.

You must understand what you are doing when climbing the ropes and wires and ensure you are physically fit to do so.

Weather exposure: Exposure to the sun for a long time can cause heatstroke. Being exposed to Cold can cause Hypothermia, either of these you do not want to face whilst on a tall ship and miles away from shore. 

Pack for all weather conditions and have the correct clothing and protection.

Tall Ship Voyages We have covered

We cover all types of Tall ships sailing worldwide, whether in the UK, Europe or worldwide.

Here are our Top 5 Tall Ship Sailing voyages we have covered in the past:

Bessie Ellen: Ullapool > Ullapool, Scotland - 26th July to 29th July  

Noorderlicht: Longyearbyn Harbour > Svalbard, Norway  

Eye of the Wind: Tenerife > Barbados - 21st November to 21st December  

Florette: Malaga Spain > Caribbean - 11th November 2023 to 2nd January 2024 

Tall Ship Races 

We can also cover Tall Ship Racing 

these start on June 27 - 2024 through to August 5th and start from Klaipeda in Lithuania and end in Szczecin in Poland. For more information Click HERE 

What are Tall ships?

Tall Ships are large Sailing Vessels that were already in use several centuries ago; they were, in fact, the types of ships used during the Age of Discovery.

A traditional Tall Ship features multiple masts with square and gaff rigs and topsails.

The term Tall Ship is said to have been coined by Mariner and author Joseph Conrad in his books. Famous writer Henry David Thoreau also mentioned tall ships in his very first book. A Tall Ship, in effect, refers to a sailing vessel that is relatively high and rather impressive to look at.

Tall Ships are no longer used as popular means of transportation; lighter, modern, motorized ships and boats have replaced them. Now, they almost solely serve as recreational vessels.

Many resort towns are home to companies organizing cruises on Tall Ships, cruises that may or may not last more than one day.

Tall Ship Sailing can be done from afternoon excursions to overnight, week-long and even multi-month trips, no matter the duration and type of your holiday.

Trained and experienced professionals organize those trips; going on an independent Tall Ship Sailing trip is impossible unless you own your Tall Ship.

Many types of Tall Ships exist, ranging from Barques and Brigs to Brigantines and Schooners.

Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

If you have been to Tall Ship Sailing before and may have had an injury or accident whilst taking part in Tall Ship Sailing, you must declare this when purchasing a policy.

We have several providers who can offer travel insurance, including Tall Ship Sailing if you have a pre-existing medical condition.


Useful Website

Classic Sailing

Travel Insurance Toolkit

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