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Sports/Activities with Medical Conditions Travel Insurance

JS Travel Insurance provides coverage if you are participating in Sports or Activities and have a pre-existing medical condition.

To contact us by telephone or email, 0800 043 0020 / 01273 092 757 support@jsinsurance.co.uk

Which Travel Insurance Providers Offer coverage?

For the SOLE PURPOSE of your trip, here are the providers we have.

You can participate in the sport or activity as many days as you like while you are away; it is the sole purpose of your trip. For example, if you plan a ten-day trip and participate in Downhill Mountain Biking, you are covered for the entire ten days.

So, suppose you have Asthma, Diabetes, Heart Condition ACL, or any other medical condition and want to participate in Sports or Activities. In that case, we can provide a travel insurance policy as long as all medical conditions have been declared.

Adventures - GET A QUOTE 

Cover is available for up to 75 years and can cover just the days you will participate in an activity or sport. If this is the cover you require, you can only select Adventures Part A Only.

Here are some of the sports and activities we can cover:

Travel Plus - GET A QUOTE

Cover is available for paragliding (leisure) and many more.

Voyager Travel Insurance - GET A QUOTE

Cover is available for motorcycle touring and many more.

This provider can also cover EU Residents if you are Already Abroad.


Cover is available for most Winter Sports, such as Ski Racing, Ski Instructor training, and Ski Instructor Courses.

This provider can also cover Children on an Annual Multi-Trip basis.

If it is INCIDENTAL to the trip of your trip, here are the providers we have. This is defined as participating in a sport or activity more than 50% of the days you are on your trip. For example, if you travel for ten days, you are covered for participating in the sport or activity for up to 5 days maximum.

Good to Go Travel Insurance - GET A QUOTE 

Cover available up to age 65: Cycling, Sailing, Horse Riding, Kite Surfing and Many More.

Good to Go Insurance can also cover several sports and activities solely for your trip, such as cycling tours, trekking (up to 3,000 metres)and more.

Please get in touch with us if you are unsure or have a look at the Policy Wording for details.

School Trip Cover - GET A QUOTE 

If you travel away as a school group, you must be healthy and fit to undertake your planned trip. 

This Policy will cover you for Recreational Sports and Activities such as Cycling, Football, Rugby, Volleyball and Many More.

This Policy does not cover re-occurring or pre-existing medical conditions unless you are 18 years or under and travelling in the United Kingdom or Europe.

Sports and Activities Travel Insurance FAQs

1. Why must I declare my pre-existing medical conditions before starting my trip?

You must declare all your medical conditions to ensure your travel insurance policy is valid for the trip while participating in your favourite sport or activity.

Even if it is something minor, such as Asthma or an Allergy for which you are receiving medication, you must declare them.

If a claim arises directly or indirectly relating to a medical condition and you did not declare this at the time of purchase, the claim may be rejected.

2. What is considered a pre-existing medical condition?

A medical condition is anything you have been formally diagnosed with by your GP and is in your medical records.

Any prescribed medication you have taken, hospital inpatient or outpatient treatment, and A&E visits in the last two years.

Examples of Medical Conditions

3. How do I declare my medical conditions online?

When getting a quote from one of our providers, Adventures, Travel Plus, Voyager Insurance, or Good to Go Insurance, which offers Sports and Activities with pre-existing medical conditions, you will be asked questions about your situation.

Examples of Questions for Good-to-Go Insurance

1. Have you taken any prescribed medication, had any symptoms for any illness or received any medical treatment in the last two years?

2. Have you attended a medical practitioner's surgery hospital or clinic (outpatient or inpatient) in the last two years?

3. Are you awaiting any medical treatment or investigation?

4. Have you ever had any stress, anxiety, depression or psychiatric conditions such as eating disorders, drug or alcohol abuse or mental illness for which you have been treated or diagnosed?

5. Have you Been diagnosed by a medical practitioner as suffering from a terminal illness?

If you answer YES to any of the above questions, you must declare your pre-existing medical conditions. You will then be asked further questions related to your medical condition.

Please Note:

This Policy will not cover you if you travel against medical advice or obtain medical treatment or consultation abroad.

All Providers may have different medical questions, so please read them carefully.

4. If I don't have a diagnosis but am still under investigation, can I still get cover for sports or activity trips?

We cannot cover anyone with undiagnosed medical conditions under investigation. However, you can see if Money Helper Travel Insurance can help you.

5. Does a policy allow me to exclude pre-existing medical conditions for my sport or activity trip?

Yes, our provider, Voyager Insurance, can cover many sports and activities with the option to exclude them after you have declared the conditions to exclude them.

JS Travel Insurance can also exclude medical conditions on a Single Trip or Annual Multi-Trip basis, but you must contact us to ensure we can exclude them at 0800 043 0020.

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