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Ski Touring Travel Insurance Quote

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    If you are going to more than one country, take care to select the region that will cover all of the countries you are visiting.

    United Kingdom (Minimum 2 Nights Away): England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man

    France, Germany, Holland, Belgium or Luxembourg

    Europe: Rest of Europe excluding Egypt, Libya and Lebanon

    Australia / New Zealand

    Worldwide excl. USA, Canada, and The Caribbean: Rest of the World, but excluding the USA, Canada and the Caribbean countries.

    Worldwide incl. USA, Canada, and The Caribbean: Rest of the World, including the USA, Canada and the Caribbean countries.

    Ski Touring Travel Insurance

    If you are planning a trip and will be Ski Touring, getting a Travel Insurance policy is a good idea before leaving your home. To contact us by telephone or email, 0800 043 0020 / 01273 092 757 support@jsinsurance.co.uk Summary of Cover Ski Touring

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    If you are planning a trip and will be Ski Touring, getting a Travel Insurance policy is a good idea before leaving your home.

    To contact us by telephone or email, 0800 043 0020 / 01273 092 757 support@jsinsurance.co.uk

    Summary of Cover (per person)

    Section & Cover Silver Gold Platinum
    Emergency Medical and Repatriation* £5,000,000 £5,000,000 £5,000,000
    Search and Rescue* £25,000 £50,000 £50,000
    Personal Liability - £2,000,000 £2,000,000
    Cancellation or Curtailment* - £3,000 £7,500
    Personal Baggage* £500 £2,500 £3,500
    Activity Equipment £1,500 £1,500 £1,500
    Valuables* £250 £250 £500
    Loss of Passport* - £300 £500
    Travel Delay - £300 £1,000
    Trip Abandonment* - £3,000 £7,500
    Missed Departure / Connection - £500 £500
    Legal Expenses* - £25,000 £50,000
    Unused Activity Pack £75 £75 £75
    Piste / Mountain Closure* £1,000 £1,000 £1,000
    Avalanche / Landslide Cover £1,000 £1,000 £1,000

    *Excess payable does vary depending on the claim benefit.

    Please read the Policy Wording for the complete list of Benefits.

    Healix Insurance Services Ltd, on behalf of Hamilton Insurance DAC, arranges this Travel Insurance policy for Jade Stanley Ltd. Healix Insurance Ltd is registered in England and Wales under No. 5484190 and authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under No. 437248. Hamilton Insurance DAC is registered in Ireland No. 484148, authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland, and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority in connection with their UK branch. Jade Stanley Ltd is registered in England and Wales under No. 03570857 and authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under No. 306205.

    Ski Touring 

    The definition of Ski Touring is travelling on skis across the mountains, reaching every night differently or occasionally returning to the same mountain hut.

    This involves some skiing and may affect a minimal amount of crossing rocks and occasionally using ropes by the guide to ensure safety. The main aim of Ski Touring is to traverse the mountains, not to climb them.

    Common Injuries

    Ski Touring is a physically demanding sport requiring a degree of fitness for anyone wishing to do the sport.

    It also demands an ability to navigate the backcountry and negotiate the adverse conditions you may experience.

    Much of the trek can be uphill or on dangerous terrain, so it is essential to ensure you are physically capable of the undertaking before going Ski Touring.

    Physical exertion aside, the sport comes with several risks. Whilst exploring the backcountry, there may be any number of hazards that could cause potential harm or danger. 

    You must always wear the appropriate safety equipment, such as protective clothing and suitable head protection.

    Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

    If you have pre-existing medical conditions and plan to participate in Ski Touring, we can provide you with a policy. 

    Our provider (Adventures) can offer travel insurance, including Ski Touring if you have a pre-existing medical condition.


    Useful Website

    Colletts Mountain Holidays

    Travel Insurance Toolkit

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    • Covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme
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