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Whats the connection between Cheerleading Tumbling and Hip-Hop Dancing?

Breakdancing to Tumbling 

Breakdancing, a core element of hip-hop, has a strong connection to tumbling. Moves like:

  • Handstands: Common in both breakdancing "freezes" and cheerleading tumbling.
  • Cartwheels and variations: These are foundational in both disciplines. Breakdancing incorporates variations with stylistic flair.
  • Floorwork: Breakdancing heavily utilizes floorwork, which shares similarities with some tumbling passes.
  • Power Moves: While elite cheer tumbling doesn't perfectly replicate power moves like windmills or flares, the underlying principles of body rotation and momentum are similar.

Acrobatic Elements:

  • Both hip-hop and cheerleading incorporate acrobatic elements.
  • The emphasis on strength, flexibility, and control is shared.

General Movement Qualities:

  • Dynamic Movement: Both styles emphasize dynamic, explosive movements.
  • Body Control: Both require a high level of body control and awareness.

Where the Differences Lie:


  • Cheerleading stunting (lifts, pyramids) is largely unique to cheerleading. While hip-hop might have partner work, it doesn't involve the same complex aerial manoeuvres.


  • Hip-hop emphasizes individual expression and improvisation, while cheerleading routines are highly choreographed and synchronized.
  • Although cheerleading routines can contain hip-hop dance sections, they will be choreographed hip-hop, not freestyle.

​Find out more about Hip-Hop moves and more

In essence:

  • Tumbling and breakdancing share a foundation in acrobatic movements.
  • Cheerleading draws on hip-hop's dynamic movement qualities, particularly in its dance sections.